PinFest 2010


Show Details



Vendors Registration

Pinball Registration

Flea Market Registration

Show Guidelines

Vendors Coming to the Show

T-shirts for 2024

About Us

Press Info

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PinFest Show Rules and Regulations

Show terms and conditions as defined by Mid Atlantic Replay Management:

It is our hope that we provide a consistent and enjoyable experience for all our guests. Our guests, as defined, are (any) and (all) that participate (vendors, staff, guests or otherwise) as well as the general public that attend this event. You are expected to exercise reasonable behavior for the greater good of the show and equal experience for all. The conditions set forth are here to strengthen that philosophy. Show management has every right and will exercise any and all actions necessary to support this belief All show contributors should be ready for business at the start of the show as defined by the show schedule

All show contributors must make known to management any situation that will delay business within 30 minutes prior to the show opening. Our goal is to assist you in resolving any and all issues that may arise beyond your control

Free play attendees are expected to have machines available for play for the duration of the show day

We understand that rare or otherwise unique circumstances may require an early dismissal of a free play game that is also for sale. Anyone designated for free play who wishes to exercise this right is subject to a $40 penalty for early withdrawal. It is not the goal of show management to take advantage of this specific situation but to deter those whose desires are less than urgent

Free play attendees that wish to exercise the early withdrawal clause will require proper documentation provided by show management

Vendor space is purchased space. Vendors are authorized to use their space as they wish within reason. Equipment provided by vendors may leave at anytime during this event

Vendors employees are permitted access as part of the fee, limitations apply. Details are defined in the vendor registration section

For the safety of all, strollers are not permitted in the show area

For the safety of all, animals are not permitted in the show area

WiFI use is for business only and all other non related activity is prohibited